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Home > Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Use by you of this website establishes, and is strictly on the basis of, agreement in full by you, on your own behalf and on behalf of anyone you represent, to the following Terms and Conditions:-
1. We reserve the right to amend these Terms & Conditions at any time by amendment to the version posted on the website, where after any subsequent use by you of the website will be taken as acceptance by you of the Terms & Conditions in their amended state.

2. You warrant that you are not in breach of any law or order of any court by using this service.
3. You agree that, in visiting and navigating around this website:-
a. you will not act in any way that amounts to a breach of any law and will fully indemnify and hold us harmless against all claims or demands or other consequences of any breach of this provision.
b. you will not upload onto any area of this website any images, graphics, text, hyperlinks, machine readable code or other content that amounts to a breach of the rights, including intellectual property rights, of others and/or which may breach reasonable standards of morality, decency and respect for the interests of others to be treated with civility, and/or which may breach the rights in law of others not to be defamed and/or which may breach any right in law whatsoever and shall hold harmless ourselves against all claims and demands that may relate in any way to such content.
c. you will not upload onto any area of this website any information, whether as to your identity, the purpose of your visit or otherwise, that is not truthful and honest.
d. you will not upload to this website, or create or increase any risk of the uploading by others, or otherwise expose this website or any email address disclosed on it, to the risk of a visit or action by , any virus, trojan, autobot or other form of malware of any description, and will keep us at all times fully indemnified against any loss or damage resulting from any such upload or risk.
e. we have full right to remove at any time, and without notice to you, any content uploaded by yourself to this website
f. should you access any part of this website by personal login, you accept full responsibility for all actions taken on the website under your user-name, whether or not you were the person who took such action.
g. there is no liability on us for loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from your visit to (including agreeing not to seek to hold us responsible, or accountable, for any action or lack of action by yourself as a result of information or advice appearing on), this website, or through access from this website, whether a website that is linked from this website, or any website that masquerades as our website or from data and information appearing through data sharing technologies, or from your use of less than the optimal encryption security, anti-virus or anti-spam protection or other similar procedures, including measures to protect your personal identity, in your browser or e-mail program, or otherwise the manner and procedures you adopt when browsing around the Web.
h. that, whilst we will use our best endeavours at all times to ensure the continuity of the availability of the website on the Internet, given that the potential for disruption of connectivity extends well beyond technology and events over which we have any control, covering possible actions by many varied organisations who contribute to the functionality and connectivity of the Internet as well as the status of your own software and websites, there will be no liability on us for any loss or damage resulting, directly or indirectly, from any disruption of access or failure or variation of intended functionality that occurs for whatever reason.

i. we reserve the right at any time to suspend or cancel your use of, or access to, this website.
j. that you recognise that we own all intellectual property rights in the content on this website, and that you will not, either by yourself directly or by assisting or permitting others so to do, do anything that breaches in any way such intellectual property rights of ourselves and, in particular, will not copy or reproduce any element of this website or its code or use it, or any part of it, to create any content, document, website, image or graphic. In addition you will not create or permit or assist others in creating, any hyperlink to any part of this website save to the home page nor take any action that directly or indirectly prevents, in whole or in part, access to, or reduces the enjoyment by yourself or others of, this website.

k. that when seeking to purchase any goods or services on this website, that you will not do so save on the basis that our Terms and Conditions of Sale are accepted by you as regulating any such purchase you make.
4. In the event that any term is held to be invalid by a decision of a court of competent authority, the remainder of these Terms & Conditions shall remain valid and enforceable.
5. The laws of England and Wales shall be the only laws that apply to your use of this website and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales for the resolution of any claim or dispute arising.
6. All written notices to be given to us shall be sent by post to:-Skynergy Skincare Limited, 183 Main Street, Leicester LE9 9NQ.

7. All information, content and material of this website is for informal purposes only and are not intended to be a substitution for the consultation, diagnosis and/ or medical treatment of a qualified healthcare provider. It is not intended to be a substitution for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as such. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you might have regarding your health or any medical condition.


We are:- Skynergy Skincare Limited, 183 Main Street, Leicester, LE9 9NQ 
Our email address for contact by customers purchasing goods on this website is

When visiting this website and in purchasing any goods from this website you agree with us that the Terms and Conditions set out below apply.
Please note that these Terms and Conditions do not affect your statutory rights.

Some people can be sensitive to natural products so we always recommend that you patch test our products before use on unbroken skin, leaving 24 hours before use.  Our products do not claim to treat or cure any medical condition. 


We aim to get your order out within 3 working days. All orders will be sent by your selected delivery service.
We charge a flat rate per order within the UK to cover the handling, postage and packing, This doesn't depend on how many products you order.

All products are handmade in small batches and you agree that, whilst we will make every effort to ensure delivery is made as expected, delays can occur for a host of reasons and that, therefore, we do not give any guarantee as to the precise date of delivery nor liable for any delay for whatever reason.

You are entitled to cancel the order for any reason whatsoever up to seven (14) working days (excluding
weekend and public holidays) following receipt by you of the goods. You must notify us if you wish to cancel by email to our contact email address or by letter to our postal address.

If you cancel your order in accordance with such above rights on or after the goods have been received by you, you agree to return the goods to us at your own risk and cost.

You agree that the goods are not returned to us until safely received by us, the goods must be unused and must include all original packaging.

Pending return of the goods you agree to take full care of the goods to avoid any damage occurring to the goods and that no damage does occur.

On cancellation as above we will refund you in full the purchase price but if the goods have been despatched, or the procedure to dispatch them has commenced, the delivery charge paid will not be refunded.

You agree to give the goods a thorough check as soon as possible following receipt to ensure it is as ordered and, should the goods be faulty in any way, you agree to notify us via our contact email address upon receipt.

If we agree that the goods may have been faulty on initial delivery to yourself we ask that you return the good to us at your own cost and, at our discretion, either arrange to reimburse you the purchase price paid or provide to you with replacement goods of the same or similar specification. No refund will be processed until the returned goods have been received back to our delivery address.

All goods returned as faulty will be checked and if found to have no fault will be returned to you, in which event you agree to pay to us any additional delivery costs incurred by us.

You agree that we have the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time subject to, if any transaction is current and unfulfilled, notifying you of such changes via email, or by announcement on this website, in which event you will have the right (additional to any other right of cancellation you
may have within these Terms and Conditions), prior to delivery to you of the goods and subject to prompt notification to us by email to our contact email address, to cancel the transaction and obtain reimbursement from us of any purchase price paid.

Once a change has been notified on the website, you agree that your continued use of this website and any purchases from us made there under, Is subject to such Terms and Conditions as amended.

You agree that we are not liable to you for any losses or damage occasioned to you as a result of any amendment to the content of this website.

You agree that:

-any information or content provided by you on this website whether or not in connection with an order of any goods is truthful and accurate and the provision of such and your use of this website does not amount to any breach of the law of any country with jurisdiction over your use of, and purchase of goods on, this website, or of the rights of any other individual or organisation, and that should any complaint be raised of defamation of any person or organisation or other breach of the rights of others or of a breach of any law or regulation, that you will fully Indemnify us and keep us fully indemnified against all claims, rights, demands in law
arising therefrom, or incurred by us as a result in any way of any breach of this clause. In particular you agree that we have the right to remove any content uploaded by you to this website for any reason whatsoever and without notice to yourself.
-You agree not to upload to, or transmit through, the website any viruses, bots, trojans or other forms of malware or anything else that can disrupt the normal operating processes of this website or of any equipment operated in connection therewith and in particular not to upload any material which is
defamatory, offensive or of an obscene nature or otherwise in breach of any law of any country that has jurisdiction over the operation by you of this website.
 -You agree to our receiving, storing and handling your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy

Any description on this website of any goods which can be purchased from us is an invitation by us to you to put to us an offer to buy the goods at the price shown. We will refer to this offer to buy as your 'order'.

Even though you may pay to us the price for such goods, we do not, by enabling the payment, accept your order until such time as we are able to check that there has been no error in the description or price displayed for the goods and that we have the goods in stock to enable us to deliver the goods as ordered. We may send you an email acknowledging your wish to purchase the goods but this is not acceptance of your order. We will confirm our acceptance of your order by sending to you an email ('the acceptance email') that is clearly to that effect, at which point a legally binding contract will be formed, but not before. Up until the time when we send that acceptance email, we reserve the right to cancel the order for any reason by notice to you to that effect whereupon we will make full reimbursement to you of the purchase price paid.


Our term ‘clean beauty’ is defined as products made without ingredients shown or suspected to harm human health.

All information relating to medical conditions and use of products is a guide only, medical advice should always be sought.

You agree that we accept no liability whatsoever for any misunderstanding on your part as a result of anything that you have read about us in any medium or on any website, whether or not linked to or from
this website.

Whilst every reasonable effort is believed to have been made to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, you agree that errors can, notwithstanding, appear in the content. You agree that no liability whatsoever rests with us for any errors or incorrect statements.

Notwithstanding any decision by us to offer to you a refund, you also agree that there is no liability on us whatsoever for any damage or loss that may arise in any way as a result of any such error or incorrect statement.

We reserve the right to withdraw any goods from sale for whatever reason whether before or after receipt of an order from yourself.

If any section of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any other reason unenforceable or invalid, then such section shall be deemed severable from these Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remainder of Terms and Conditions.

You agree that your use of this website and all transactions undertaken under it or otherwise between us are governed and construed exclusively by the laws of England and Wales and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.

You agree that in the event of any dispute between us that you will, before issuing any proceedings in a court of law, agree to a form of online mediation conducted by an independent neutral provided by or, if on request they are not able to supply a mediator, by any accredited mediator, and that you will make every effort to participate in such online mediation in order to reach a satisfactory resolution of the dispute with ourselves allowing for
solutions that are proportionate and economic.
© Copyright Skyergy 2023. All rights reserved.